Saturday, December 10, 2016

We Will Never Conquer Space

Image result for spaceIn "We'll Never Conquer Space," Clarke convinces the modern reader that humans will never be able to overpower space or choose space as their habitat for a number reasons. Clarke presents his reasons using an argumentative essay.

Clarke focuses throughout the essay on 2 main reasons why we will never conquer space. The first reason is that space is too vast to be ever conquered (if we could even explore it all) and that there is not enough time (time barrier) to conquer space again due to its vastness. Clarke utilizes predictions, analogies, facts, and a well-structured, focused writing style to emphasize his point.

One of his analogies compares space to an ocean and the planets as islands. He mentions that just like how the vastness of the ocean poses a time barrier so does the vastness of space; humans will only be able to explore space but never conquer it.  

In addition, throughout the essay Clarke uses charged words to illustrate his point and uses an argumentative writing style that is convincing and straight to the point.

Clarke, for the most part, manages to convince his readers that we, in fact, will never conquer space. Although there are a few errors in his predictions, the rest of his argument is accurate, well-defined, and persuasive.

(215 Words)

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